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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Acid Reflux Diet is the major problem of the disease:Acid Reflux Diet Myth

Acid Reflux Diet is the major problem of the disease .Most of patients don't know about the diet.There for we are trying to suggest the medical suggested diet to affected people.
 Many people take over-the-counter antacids for a quick ease of acid reflux, but for most people, a proper diet is the best solution for overcoming acid reflux.Acid Reflux Diet Myth are described bellow:-
Myth 1: Drink milk:-
A lot of people try drinking milk to ease acid reflux before sleep. But often, milk ends up causing reflux during sleep. To understand the whole situation, we have to realize that the problem roots from eating too much at dinner . Eating a big meal at dinner causes excess stomach acid production. Milk may be a quick fix. But milk has a rebound action and would eventually encourage secretion of more stomach acid, which causes acid to reflux. To solve the problem, try adjusting your diet by eating a small meal at dinner and have a small snack such as crackers before sleep.
Myth 2: Avoid coffee, citrus fruits and spicy food:-
We have been told for years that coffee, acidic fruit as well as spicy foods can aggravate acid reflux. Therefore, we should avoid these in our daily diet in order to reduce acid reflux. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in May 2006 showed that none of these myths hold true. Researchers from the Stanford University found that the only two behavioral changes can reduce symptoms of acid reflux - eating less, and elevate your head while sleeping.
Acid Reflux Diet:-
First of all, try to eat small, frequent meals instead of three big meals a day. Small amounts of food each time would exert less workload on the stomach and therefore requires less acid secretion for digestion. Make sure to include foods that are high in complex carbohydrates in each meal. These foods, such as rice, breads and pasta, are able to tie up excess stomach acid and are often easy on the stomach.
Avoid high-fat meals or deep-fried foods:-

 High fat foods will remain in the stomach longer, thus causing the need for more stomach acid in order to digest them.But remember, don't overeat! Eating too much of any foods will stimulate the stomach to secret more acids for digestion.
Avoid or limit alcohol:-
Maintain upright position during and at least 45 minutes after eating.Try elevating the head of bed six to eight inches when lying down.
Drinks Can Cause Acid Reflux Too:-
Don't think that beverages just quickly flow through your stomach without affecting acid production. Surprisingly, a lot of beverages stimulate acid secretion such as beer, wine and soda. The worst of all is beer; it could double your stomach acid within an hour.

This article is written by the help of Gloria Tsang, RD of HealthCastle.com
There are quite a few different items on the list for food diet for GERD and those foods that should be avoided. Dairy products are normally not recommendable for a GERD condition and so you are going to want to avoid them as best as you can. This means milk and also creams, cheese, ice cream, and other food items that have dairy as one of the main ingredients. Also for a proper food diet for acid reflux you are going to want to avoid caffeinated beverages which are very aggravating of the GERD condition. If you are a coffee lover you do not have to stop drinking it altogether, but you are going to want to limit your consumption.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gadgets Therapy Is Used To Treat Acid Reflux : The Non Danger But Common Disease

Gadgets therapy is one of latest invention to Treat Acid Reflux because it has no side effect according to the doctors who are busy in treating the GRED.The extreme pain caused by acid reflux is the rationale why new products and interesting inventions are coming out. Indeed, any type of relief when suffering from acid reflux is referred to as a luxury. It is due to the fact that although some may not suffer from it that often, it can be awfully agonizing. In fact, a severe case of acid reflux tends to lower the overall quality of life.
One of the products invented to relieved acid refluxed are the Specialized Pillows. Since paying attention to sleeping habits is one of the doctor’s advices, pillows are specially made to aid when suffering from this condition. Doctors suggest that sleeping with multiple pillows will keep your body popped up to it. However, for those who tried to sleep with several pillows it is hard to stay in such position all night. Many end up; slipping their head in one direction and the top pillow will fall off completely. Then they would eventually end up sleeping on one pillow, no matter how hard they try to use two.
Fortunately, interesting inventions such as jumbo pillows are made for people who need to be wedged up when sleeping. These pillows have firmer bases and are often filled with foam at the bottom so they won’t easily slip.
Another product invented for those who suffer with acid reflux is the Bed Raisers which can be used at bedtime. Certainly, many people appreciate the benefit of raising the bed and tried to use bricks or books to accomplish the task. Although in using the following, it is rather dangerous since the person using it might get hurt. This is due to the fact that, the following “homemade raisers” may not be able to hold the body weight.
Bed Raisers are put under the upper legs of the bed. It will raise the bed slightly so that the person using it will be sleeping at an angle. Depending on the amount of legs raised, the possibility of not noticing it when resting is also changing.
Both the Specialized Pillows and Bed Raisers can be bought any local stores. Specialized pillows can be found at many general merchandise stores where typical pillows are bought. It can also be found in specialty bedding stores and most probably on the Web where most specialty products can be bought. On the other hand, genuine bed raisers which are meant for the task can be found in home stores. It is not very expensive, and it can also be bought online wherein shipping will no longer be a problem.
Without a doubt, these interesting inventions and products seek to help people who go through such condition. Hence, in case you are one of the people who experience terrible pain caused by acid reflux, check out the local stores to see if these products will work for you.movie corner.Common market can purchase these with in very short time as it is said the director of National GRED prevention committee,New Delhi.  We the common people wants that it will be available to all from Government free supply .