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Friday, March 11, 2011

Acid Reflux Treatment On The Basis Of Natural & Home Made Remedies & Result Of Cure Ness

The most common disease of common man to celebrities is Acid Reflux which is known to medical term as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), is a condition which has many symptoms that are similar to heartburn.Acid reflux natural remedies recommended more since they are cheap and readily available for use. Synthetic drugs are costly and have side effects to the user. Natural remedies with no side effects at all to come. While doctors such as antacids and reflux pillow recommended treatment, natural always good to go since there are no side effects in them that way.
The most common causes of Acid Reflux and Heartburn include:-
i)stress,ii)some antidepressants and sedatives,iii)elevated hormone levels during pregnancy,iii) eating before going to bed,iv)eating large meals,v)slower emptying of the stomach,vi)frequently eating greasy,vii) fried,viii)fatty foods,ix)smoking,x)alcohol,xi)drinking lots of bubbly (carbonated) , xii) beverages such as soda,xiii)diseases that weaken the esophageal muscle (such as scleroderma, mixed connective tissue disease, or hiatal hernias) and more.These causes and Symptoms of Acid Reflux and HeartburnHeartburn is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up (refluxes) into the esophagus. The most common and persistent symptom of Heartburn is a burning sensation centered in the middle of the chest and/or throat, brought on by stomach acid that churns up onto the lining of the esophagus. 
Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Acid Reflux Treatment:-
i)Acid Reflux Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar:-
Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for Acid Reflux. It may sound bizarre to drink an acid as a cure for an acid problem, but there are good acids and bad acids and Apple Cider Vinegar is among the good ones.Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1/2 glass of water.Sip this glass of water while eating your dinner.
ii)Herbal Remedy for Acid Reflux Using Ginger Root:-
Ginger Root is an amazing natural herb that is known to absorb stomach acid and have the secondary effect of calming the nerves. For an effective natural remedy from the symptoms of acid reflux, try the following:-Purchase ginger root capsules from a natural health food or nutritional store.Regularly take one capsule immediately after dinner.
iii)Natural Cure for Acid Reflux Using Fennel Seeds:-
Fennel seed is an aromatic but powerful herb that helps in digestive conditions and has many other benefits. Fennel seeds contain a compound known as Anethole, which is known to suppress spasms of the stomach or gastrointestinal tract spasms. Therefore, it is considered to be an effective remedy for Acid Reflux.Take half a tea spoon of Fennel Seeds and chew them slowly after your meals.
iv)Using Anise and Lavender Tea as a Remedy for Heartburn:-
Here is a tea that you can make to help relieve the symptoms of heartburn, since it reduces the amount of acid you have in your stomach. Note that some variants of this remedy suggest adding peppermint, but this is NOT recommended since peppermint is known to relax the LES (described earlier), which is exactly what you don't want to do.Mix together equal amounts of aniseed and lavender.Boil 2 1/2 cups of distilled water.Pour the boiling water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture.Let this tea sit for 3 to 5 minutes.Strain the tea and add a little bit of honey as a natural sweetener.Drink up to 8 oz of this tea in the morning and 8 oz in the evening to get relief from acid reflux or heartburn.
Mint acidity in humans is a more appropriate treatment. Mint can be used as a spice in food or tablet can be chewed. Another common acid reflux natural treatment that is normally recommended medicinal aloe vera, which has a cooling effect because it can be eaten or the juice to cool down the throat irritation can be drank. Beauty and scent of flowers are known to be rich, but to appreciate them as some medicine to treat acidity.Pepper, garlic and ginger in food additives as known to most people but rarely as the treatment of acid related problems. Vegetables are also important in the treatment of acidity. They will be fresh and not like the vegetables should be squashed to make it easier.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Self Care Of Acid Reflux With Or With Out Remedies, Medication & Every Minutes Doctors Help

It is heard that Acid reflux is spreading all over but cure process is developing very slowly.So we are trying to discuss the natural and man made methods here with simple languages based on our experiences bellow. [Disclaimer :Before try our method don't forget to consult your doctor or physician for better result.We are not responsible for any harm to your health]
1)Remedies:- As we have mentioned earlier infant acid reflux clear up on their own with the growth of the baby. Also simple changes in feeding techniques help in further controlling of the situation. These include more frequent but smaller feedings, holding the baby in little upright or inclined position while feeding and letting the baby burp frequently while feeding. While breast feeding avoid cow's milk or other related food.Switch the brand if you feed your baby on formula foods. Aggressive treatment may be needed for severe cases of infant acid reflux. Medication;; Doctor's may prescribe infant doses of medications that are used regularly for adults if the baby is really uncomfortable. These may include H-2 blockers like cimetidine [tagamet] or ranitidine [zantac], proton pump inhibitor such as oesomeprazole [nexium] or omeprazole [Prilosec].However a 2006 study shows that these medications despite claiming to be safe for use in children and infants may increase the risk of intestinal and respiratory infections in otherwise healthy children and infants. Alternative methods if the baby isn't growing as expected alternate high calorie food or feeding tube is required for the baby.
In very rare cases baby may need to undergo Fundoplication where the muscle that relaxes to let the food in to the stomach and closes to inhibit the revert of the food to the oesophagus, is wrapped and tightened surgically.However this is done only if the infant acid reflux is interfering with baby's overall growth and is causing breathing problems because though it may treat the infant GERD but may lead to severe complications like constant gagging while feeding.
3)Self regulated care techniques:-
First of all keep your self calm and relaxed before and during each feed and feed the baby before it gets frantic. Next try and feed the baby in upright position and every 15 to 30 minutes while feeding put the baby in sitting position to let gravity help in keeping the food contents where it belongs that is the stomach. Try a front pack a backpack or an infant chair. Try not to juggle your baby while the food is settling.Try more frequent but smaller feedings .may be 1 ounce lesser than usual but more frequent. Limit nursing sessions to one breast. Let the baby burp during and after feeding to avoid building up of air ih the baby's stomach. Put the baby in an inclined position with the support of your hand under the baby's head and take time to burp.
However baby is not burping over the shoulder lest it would put undue pressure on baby's stomach. Make sure the size of the nipple used in the bottle is just right for the baby to have the milk without spitting it out if its too large. if the nipple is too small baby may find it difficult to suck the milk thereby getting irritated and take the air in.The right size of nipple can be judged by checking if the milk is coming out of the bottle in drops, while holding the bottle upside down. Thicken the formula if your doctor approves. Add a small portion of rice cereal to baby's formula and take a nipple with a bigger hole so baby can drink the formula comfortably.Last but not the least while putting the baby to sleep raise the head of the crib by around 30 degrees to maintain gravity towards the stomach, also keep lots of burp cloths handy and there will be no problem handling infant acid reflux.
4)Things to know :-
Know how Infant Acid Reflux Diagnosis can be done very early. Know how To become GERD free by natural means. Get the Free Of Acid Reflux in 3 steps guide today. Asthma and Acid Reflux are very closely related. Learn the various Natural way of healing acid reflux. Sore throat caused by GERD can be very irritating. What are the Personality reasons in developing Acid Reflux.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Doctors Are Trying to Find Out The Roots Of Acid Reflux & Symptoms

The doctors are researched about Acid Reflux and trying to find the main symptoms.According to doctors the stomach of a human body contains acidic juices like hydrochloric acid, pepsin and sometimes bile juices from the liver. These are supposed to enhance the sterilization and digestion process of the food that we eat and drink to release energy.Hydrochloric acid also prevents the generation and growth of harmful bacteria's in the stomach and the intestine and hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive. However, our stomach is meant to handle this acid as the stomach contains a protective acid proof lining.Now the LES i.e. lower esophageal sphincter doesn't have any acid proof lining. LES is the muscular valve that allows the ingested food to reach the stomach and then close the esophagus .Now, when the LES fails to close tightly or malfunctions and relaxes more often it causes GERD as experienced by people in the form of heartburn.It is found that 300 million of the world population suffers from this disease and it still is a mystery why.50 million of the Americans suffer from heartburn once in a month And 25 million of them experience gastric esophageal reflux on daily basis.In spite of this huge estimation of population that suffers from acid reflux attack there are no known nutritional or alternative therapy to successfully prevent it. Doctors can maximum use the pharmaceutical drugs to treat the acid reflux symptoms and not the disease.Though we would think the main cause of acid reflux attack is what we eat and drink, the fact is little different as it is also about how we eat and drink. This can be proved by the fact that many of us being different individuals find it difficult to digest some food.The food travels from the mouth down to the stomach via esophagus with help of LES which opens up to let the food into the stomach. After which the LES constricts and closes to restrict the reverse flow of food from the stomach.When this function of the LES is not done on time it causes the release of digestive juices from the stomach to the esophagus. one of them being hydrochloric acid. This acid though helps in digestion of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients it is also highly corrosive and strong. Its corrosive action is controlled by the stomach due to the presence of a protective lining in it. However, the esophagus doesn't have the same. As a result the acid splashes through the LES into the esophagus and creates heartburn and other acid reflux attack symptoms like indigestion nausea etc.As we have mentioned earlier its very dangerous to leave the acid reflux attack unchecked and without any treatment hence identifying the acid reflux symptoms early is a must. Because in due course this may result into erosion of esophageal lining called Barrett's Esophagus which further leads to esophageal cancer. Though the acid reflux can be treated medically, it only masks the symptoms of acid reflux attack and not necessarily cures the disease. We need to find more natural methods of treating and curing this disease.Do you know that Apple Cider Vinegar is used to cure Acid Reflux naturally. Acid Reflux during pregnancy should be treated carefully to avoid complications. There are various recipes and diets and acid reflux medicines available. Acid Reflux can also attack infants. Learn what are the food causing acid reflux.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Acid Reflux : Basic Introduction For The Models,Celebrities And Also Ever Suffers

This days it is heard from every corner of the world as in common man or big model celebrities Acid reflux but few people knows about it.Acid Reflux occurs when the tube that you uses to intake the food from the throat to stomach is not strong enough to handle the acid. The food intaken by you is digested by the stomach with the help of an acid produced and stored by it. The stomach walls are built strong enough to store that acid without causing damage.For unknown reasons when acid flows back into the oesophagus from stomach it creates heartburn, which is widely considered the first symptom of acid reflux or GERD. It leaves a constant chest burning sensation.
You may find these acid reflux symptoms occurring to everyone once in a while, but when it happens regularly over a period of 2 to 3 times in a week with no visible relief even after medication, then you have acid reflux or GERD. A change in diet intake can give you relief to an extent fromacid reflux attack, but if it reoccurs then one needs medical attention.The main cause of acid reflux attack is when the lower oeasophageal sphinter which is a divider between stomach and oeasophagus giving up at inappropriate times, thereby not blocking the entry of acid into esophagus. This stomach acid when flows back into the easophagus, it causs severe heartburn right in between the chest.The worst case scenario in Acid Reflux that if not treated appropriately, acid reflux attack for a prolonged period can wear out the inner protective lining of oeasophagus. Doctors call this erosive oesophagitis. A doctor can find out whether you have this condition through a simple endoscopy. He can also treat you for this acid reflux condition depending on the extent of damage.There are a lot of advices out there for people who suffer from acid reflux or heartburnabout what they should not do. There are always a bunch of food items you are not supposed to eat. Here we are discussing a few things you can do and reduce your acid reflux problem.It is known to be beneficial to sleep on the left side of your stomach than your right side. Sleeping on you left side is better for you not to experience acid reflux symptoms like heartburn.If you make it a habit to sleep with your head in an elevated position that would reduce heartburn during your sleep. This can be achieved using one or two extra pillows. If you can afford it, getting a bed that can be raised, a bed similar to the ones used in hospitals would be a great idea. If not, you can raise the head side of your bed with blocks of wood or some thing similar.Eat any time you feel like eating. But make it very small portions. If you skip food in between for so long, you will end up eating a big meal in the end and it is going to cause the worsening of your acid reflux condition. Any person who tries to avoid meals in between for whatever reasons may end up over filling your stomach when you finally have food. This must be avoided at all cost.In between meals, it would be helpful to you make it a habit of chewing gums. This would create a lot of saliva in your mouth and this can wash down any left over acids from your esophagus and throat. Saliva is alkaline in nature and is going to neutralize the acids to some extent. When choosing chewing gums avoid mint flavored ones. Mint is known to worsen acid reflux condition in many people.Instead of chewing gums, you can suck on cough drops like halls or antacids, and they will provide you with the same effect.Drinking water can dilute the stomach acids and can be helpful in reducing your heartburn condition.It is an absolute no no to hit the bed right after a big meal. You need to walk for a little while before you go to sleep. The ideal case is to sleep only four hours after having your dinner. So have your dinner earlier around 5 or 6 O’clock, as was the practice of yesteryears.It is a Good News for Acid Reflux patients that Acid Reflux is a medical condition which if diagnosed in time can be treated. Contact your doctor or contact Mandarin Health Consultants for further advise and guidance on overcoming your acid reflux condition.Also read what are the acid reflux cure available, learn the natural treatments and diet needed to be followed. There are various recipes and diets and acid reflux medicines available. Acid Reflux can also attack infants.