Bulimic people usually throws up after indulging to foods they want to eat. There are several reasons why they do this. This may be related to a psychological behavior and lack of self-esteem.
Bulimia has adverse effects on one’s digestive system. When you vomit and forcefully take out food from your stomach, there are acid that goes up to your esophagus during the process. The acid is used when breaking down food in the stomach during digestion. When a bulimic person vomits, this acid is forced into the esophagus. When one vomits once or twice a day everyday, the acid can possibly tear down the esophagus, which will cause it to sting and get itchy. When this happens, one can no longer take in food normally and will have a hard time swallowing food.
Bulimia can also cause acid reflux. Vomiting can damage stomach lining and can also cause other complications. When these complications begin to worsen, it can possibly lead to multiple impediments and can be fatal that may cause death. It is not a surprise to hear that there are a lot of people who died because of bulimia.
Bulimia can damage numerous organs in the body. When this condition is not diagnosed soon enough, it can cause these organs to be weak and lose its function. Bulimia can also hinder a person to take food, thus, a person's body is deprived of the nutrients and minerals that it needs to be healthy and survive. Acid reflux as a side effect of bulimia can also lead to other medical complications. If the condition is not treated the soonest time possible, it can pose a danger to your own body and can cause damage that may be irreversible. The sad thing is that a lot of people do not seek treatment until the condition and its side effects go bad.
To avoid acid reflux caused by bulimia, it is important that a patient go through a treatment program. Not only will such therapy control your physical condition but it can also improve your outlook in life. There are also medications that can be prescribed to you by your attending doctor that can reduce your acid reflux bouts, increase your hunger, and can also stop you from vomiting.
Being bulimic and underweight is not the answer to boost up your self esteem and self confident. Living with a healthy body and a healthy mind can be achieved by having the right nutrition by eating the right foods and having the right frame of mind.

Being bulimic and underweight is not the answer to boost up your self esteem and self confident. Living with a healthy body and a healthy mind can be achieved by having the right nutrition by eating the right foods and having the right frame of mind.

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