This days it is heard from every corner of the world as in common man or big model celebrities Acid reflux but few people knows about it.Acid Reflux occurs when the tube that you uses to intake the food from the throat to stomach is not strong enough to handle the acid. The food intaken by you is digested by the stomach with the help of an acid produced and stored by it. The stomach walls are built strong enough to store that acid without causing damage.For unknown reasons when acid flows back into the oesophagus from stomach it creates heartburn, which is widely considered the first symptom of acid reflux or GERD. It leaves a constant chest burning sensation.You may find these acid reflux symptoms occurring to everyone once in a while, but when it happens regularly over a period of 2 to 3 times in a week with no visible relief even after medication, then you have acid reflux or GERD. A change in diet intake can give you relief to an extent fromacid reflux attack, but if it reoccurs then one needs medical attention.The main cause of acid reflux attack is when the lower oeasophageal sphinter which is a divider between stomach and oeasophagus giving up at inappropriate times, thereby not blocking the entry of acid into esophagus. This stomach acid when flows back into the easophagus, it causs severe heartburn right in between the chest.The worst case scenario in Acid Reflux that if not treated appropriately, acid reflux attack for a prolonged period can wear out the inner protective lining of oeasophagus. Doctors call this erosive oesophagitis. A doctor can find out whether you have this condition through a simple endoscopy. He can also treat you for this acid reflux condition depending on the extent of damage.There are a lot of advices out there for people who suffer from acid reflux or heartburnabout what they should not do. There are always a bunch of food items you are not supposed to eat. Here we are discussing a few things you can do and reduce your acid reflux problem.It is known to be beneficial to sleep on the left side of your stomach than your right side. Sleeping on you left side is better for you not to experience acid reflux symptoms like heartburn.If you make it a habit to sleep with your head in an elevated position that would reduce heartburn during your sleep. This can be achieved using one or two extra pillows. If you can afford it, getting a bed that can be raised, a bed similar to the ones used in hospitals would be a great idea. If not, you can raise the head side of your bed with blocks of wood or some thing similar.Eat any time you feel like eating. But make it very small portions. If you skip food in between for so long, you will end up eating a big meal in the end and it is going to cause the worsening of your acid reflux condition. Any person who tries to avoid meals in between for whatever reasons may end up over filling your stomach when you finally have food. This must be avoided at all cost.In between meals, it would be helpful to you make it a habit of chewing gums. This would create a lot of saliva in your mouth and this can wash down any left over acids from your esophagus and throat. Saliva is alkaline in nature and is going to neutralize the acids to some extent. When choosing chewing gums avoid mint flavored ones. Mint is known to worsen acid reflux condition in many people.Instead of chewing gums, you can suck on cough drops like halls or antacids, and they will provide you with the same effect.Drinking water can dilute the stomach acids and can be helpful in reducing your heartburn condition.It is an absolute no no to hit the bed right after a big meal. You need to walk for a little while before you go to sleep. The ideal case is to sleep only four hours after having your dinner. So have your dinner earlier around 5 or 6 O’clock, as was the practice of yesteryears.It is a Good News for Acid Reflux patients that Acid Reflux is a medical condition which if diagnosed in time can be treated. Contact your doctor or contact Mandarin Health Consultants for further advise and guidance on overcoming your acid reflux condition.Also read what are the acid reflux cure available, learn the natural treatments and diet needed to be followed. There are various recipes and diets and acid reflux medicines available. Acid Reflux can also attack infants.
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